BEST DECISION EVER!! (after getting a dog of course)

Papo Pineapple
Papo Pineapple
This is the second best decision we've ever made after choosing to get a dog. Nationwide offers great coverage and great customer service. I can offer my dog the best care I can possibly can, knowing Nationwide has my back and will reimburse me for the vast majority of our bill. We have the full coverage that may seem expensive at first but in the long run completely worth it.
Would you recommend pet insurance: Yes
Nationwide has beeen wonderful!

Thank you Nationwide Pet Insurance for being so easy to work with. I have submitted a few claims now for my loving Riley! I can rest assure that I will always be able to provide her with the best of care!
Would you recommend pet insurance: Yes
Lives up to their motto... Nationwide is definitely on your side!

I have a 10 month old french bulldog, named Sumo, who is my very first fur child! Naturally, I tend to over react to even the smallest of problems. I'm so glad I chose Nationwide Pet Insurance to be our carrier because I literally never have to worry about bringing Sumo in for regular check ups or even emergency visits. So far, I've NEVER had any problems with submitting my invoices. Nationwide usually has a speedy response in about a weeks time. I feel confident that Nationwide has my back, and I would highly recommend Nationwide to any pet parent!
Would you recommend pet insurance: Yes
Peace of mind

I am so glad I have Nationwide for my pet insurance. They made the enrollment so easy. The customer service reps are knowledgeable and extremely helpful. I have had to submit 2 claims already and I received my reimbursement very quickly. I am now going to sign up to have any future claims directly deposited to my account. It's so easy! Thank you for giving me peace of mind regarding the health of my dog.
Would you recommend pet insurance: Yes
Best thing out there

This is the first time I have ever owned a dog personally, I mean I grew up always having a dog but they were my dads or brothers. It's a lot more work than I thought and upon a friends recommendation they suggested I get pet insurance. It wasn't hard to see that nationwide had great policies to compare from. I thank the stars every day that I opted for the whole wellness plan because I unfortunately have a dog with issues. It's so easy to submit a claim and I get notified quickly that my claim is being processed and within weeks I'm receiving checks paying me back much more than I expected. If you have a pet, get nationwide pet insurance. Worth every penny.
Would you recommend pet insurance: Yes
I think anyone who has a pet should have nationwide pet insurance

My eight-month-old puppy, Milo ate 10 ears of corn including the cob off of the counter this past weekend. Last week he was bit by another dog leg I'm so grateful for The whole pet insurance that we have.
Would you recommend pet insurance: Yes
Thank you, Nationwide!

Our American Cocker Spaniel needed ACL surgery - thank goodness we purchased the best policy (Whole Pet with Wellness) for her a few months prior. Our vet was helpful in making the claim on our behalf, we just had to confirm with Nationwide that they received everything they needed to process the claim (medical records for the past year to confirm this was not an pre-existing condition). A little over a month later, we received our reimbursement checks. I've recommended this policy to every dog owner I know.
Would you recommend pet insurance: Yes
Wise Investment in Pet Protection

After investing the money in the purchase and training of Miki and Taka (Akitas) I wanted to know that they had the best of health coverage for basic needs and any complications that might arise. Miki just had a fractured tooth removed and the claim process was very easy and the reimbursement was very prompt.
Would you recommend pet insurance: Yes
Great coverage and fast claim responses

The coverage is easy to understand and the claim-submitting process is easy to follow.
Would you recommend pet insurance: Yes
Simply the best

Better than all the rest...........................
Would you recommend pet insurance: Yes
Awesome insurance

This company is legit! VPI does reimburse the client after treatment is rendered and after the deductible is met. So Awesome.
Would you recommend pet insurance: Yes
Nationwide - smartest decision I made

We lost our last wolfhound to cancer and did not have insurance. Our costs for exploratory surgery and consults were over 3,500. Not to mention the anxiety of having to come up with the cash. When we got another wolfhound I was determined to get insurance and chose Nationwide's full plan. Our pup was 8 weeks old when we got her and being a larger breed the premium is more per month but we already knew that costs can get out of hand with a wolfie. She needed surgery to correct a leg injury she sustained. Valgus deformity as a result of the damage to the growth plate. Surgery was 3500 to fix the leg up and plus the cost of several follow up visits with x rays. I think it was over 4500 Nationwide covered everything they promised. 90 percent of all vet bills above the deductible. My gf says getting nationwide is one of the smartest things I did.
Would you recommend pet insurance: Yes
Best Purchase I ever made

I have been a breeder for 15 years. I own 9 Golden Retrievers and every one is covered. It gives me incredible peace of mind to know that I do not have to be financially burdened, or delay treatment due to lack of funds. I have yet to have a situation which was not covered. I file my claims online and have my check reimbursement within 10 days without fail. I wish my own health insurance was this good.
Would you recommend pet insurance: Yes
Live easy with Nationwide Pet Insurance- Seriously stop your search you found the best coverage

Nationwide has been the most reliable, fast and convenient insurance company I have ever dealt with. I had a bill for over 4000$ after my dog was hit by a car shortly after being lost by my dog walker. I rushed to his side after animal control found him claiming he probably had two broken legs. After the first six hours the emergency vet bill was more than three times the amount I could afford. Family helped me front the bill and because of Nationwide's amazing service I was able to repay them 90% of the money just 12 days after my dog's accident. Don't have a pet without Nationwide pet insurance. I never worry about cutting corners or picking less than excellent care for my puppy because I know Nationwide will always be there to help me. The best part is that Nationwide doesn't just cover those hopefully rare, emergency moments. The full wellness package covers yearly check ups, vaccines, flea/ tick and heart worm medication. Having a new puppy in the house there were so many initial expenses (vaccines, routine checks, chip, neutering) my Nationwide plan covered it all. I can't say enough good things.
Would you recommend pet insurance: Yes
great policy

This is a great policy I haven't paid alot in vet bills this insurance pays back 90% after your deductible is reached. I just did a claim and only had to pay the vet $6.00 for my pets treatment and office call.
Would you recommend pet insurance: Yes
Exceptional service and highly recommended!!!

Customer service representatives are always responsive and helpful. Nationwide has paid out all of my puppy's claims, thus far, very quickly. I would say this is an exceptional product that all new dog owners should get, without a doubt. I cannot say enough about how happy I am with you by side. Thank you, Nationwide!!
Would you recommend pet insurance: Yes
Best Pet Insurance Ever!

Our big-boy Ducky needed a major unexpected surgery. As a pet owner the worst feeling ever is to see you pet in pain! We paid for the surgery and have been nursing Ducky back to health. He is doing much better now and with the coverage we have from Nationwide we don't have to worry about the financial burden this surgery would have cost us. Nationwide was really on our side on this one! Thank you to everyone at Nationwide for their support and for their part in the recovery of our buddy.
Would you recommend pet insurance: Yes
Recently Confirmed Why I Chose Nationwide

At first I was not sure how the experience was going to go. We had some pre-existing conditions on our puppy's policy and a few claim issues where I was frustrated, but recently they have worked with us and been responsive and proved why I decided to go with them in the first place. Excellent service, and I am very happy with the way they have handled our policy.
Would you recommend pet insurance: Yes
Great feature: chat with vets

This feature was incredibly helpful for me in determining whether to take my kitten to the vet. Also, First policy I've see with wellness coverage, including spay/neuter procedures!
Would you recommend pet insurance: Yes
Absolutely love my pet insurance!

I've had many friends get dog and run into the typical horror stories where unexpected problems and illnesses occur and suddenly the dog goes from a $700 investment to a $7000 one. I started researching pet insurance RIGHT when I knew I seriously wanted a puppy. There are many fancy new brands with apps and instant access and such, but nothing gives you the TOTAL and FULL coverage like Nationwide. I have found this insurance to be such a financial safety net I needed when buying a dog. I have no qualms about taking my little guy to get the care he needs, when he needs it because I know Nationwide will have my back. The total wellness package option is a little pricey, but worth every penny (especially as a first time dog owner) to know that if the worst happens, you won't be digging into your savings to pay for it. The claims process is super easy, and I am reimburse without questions asked. It's easier than my own health insurance. I'll never go anywhere else with my dog. I love Nationwide's hassle-free, sleep without worrying, simply the best coverage!
Would you recommend pet insurance: Yes
The Product is Great

Clever Medina
Clever Medina
I love Nationwide Pet insurance in terms of coverage. While they do deliver what they promise I find that it does take them some time to process refunds. If you're not in a hurry to get your refund this plan is perfect.
Would you recommend pet insurance: Yes
So happy to have found Nationwide

We had another plan we were considering and we are happy we went with Nationwide. They have been great about the coverage for the claims as well as a fast turnaround time.
Would you recommend pet insurance: Yes
Worth every penny

I have the whole-wellness plan for my puppy and it is worth every penny (which even then isn't much monthly) and gives me the relief in knowing I can make the best decisions for him without worry of debt. We get 90% back on all claims which makes those pesky vet visits and routine check-ups a whole lot easier on the wallet. Not to mention the processing for claims is quick!
Would you recommend pet insurance: Yes